Chapter VI - Independent supervisory authorities

Article 51 - Supervisory authority

Establishing the supervisory authority
Activity of the supervisory authority
Designating the supervisory authority in context of the representation in the Board
Notification obligation of the member state in terms of the Chapter VI of the regulation

Article 52 - Independence

Independence of the supervisory authority
Independence of the supervisory authority members
Obligation of the supervisory authority members to refrain from any action incompatible with their duties
Obligation to provide the conditions for supervisory authority activities
Conditions for supervisory authority staff selection
Financial control of the supervisory authority

Article 53 - General conditions for the members of the supervisory authority

Appointing the members of the supervisory authority
Basic requirements for the supervisory authority members
Derogations of the supervisory authority member duties
Abrogation of the supervisory authority member

Article 54 - Rules on the establishment of the supervisory authority

Minimal obligation requirements for the member states in context of establishing supervisory authority
Professional secrecy commitment

Article 55 - Competence

Competence of the supervisory authority
Exemption from the application of the Article 56 of the regulation
Derogation of the supervisory authority competence in context pf the judicial power

Article 56 - Competence of the lead supervisory authority

Competence of the lead supervisory authority in terms of the Article 60 of the regulation
Supervisory authority right on context of the complaint
Obligations of the supervisory authority after receiving the complaint in terms of the Article 56, paragraph 2 of the regulation
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to handle the case
Decision of the lead supervisory authority to reject the case
The lead supervisory authority and the cross-border processing

Article 57 - Tasks

Supervisory authority territorial activity scope
Facilitation of the complaints submission process
Free – of -charge principle of performing the supervisory authority tasks
Services charge in context of the unfounded or excessive requests

Article 58 - Powers

Investigative powers of the supervisory authority
Corrective powers of the supervisory authority
Authorization and advisory powers of the supervisory authority
The exercise of powers on the part of the supervisory authority
Right of the supervisory authority to bring infringements of this Regulation to the attention of the judicial authorities
Implementation of the additional rights for the supervisory authority

Article 59 - Activity reports

The annual report on the supervisory authority activities