Institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union


Regulation name
Basis for the processing referred to in point (c) and (e) of paragraph 1
(European Union, Member states)
Encouraging the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Encouraging the drawing up of codes of conduct intended to contribute to the proper application of this Regulation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Submitting the code or draft of the code to the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Publication of the valid and approved codes of conduct
(European Commission)
Collecting all approved codes of conduct, amendments and extensions in a register
(European Data Protection Board)
Support in the process of certification mechanisms implementation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Support in the process of certification mechanisms implementation
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Member states, Supervisory authority)
Certification mechanisms and data protection seals and marks publication
(European Data Protection Board)
Derogation, novelization or detention of the decision of the Commission in terms of Article 45, paragraph 3
(European Commission)
Consultations with the third country or international organization
(European Commission)
Adequate level of personal data protection on the parts of the third countries or international organizations
(European Commission)
Public interest in the EU law or Member state law in context of the personal data transfer
(European Union, Member states)
Activity of the Commission and supervisory authorities in context of the international organization support
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Consistency mechanism
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
An opinion of the Board
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Issuing an opinion in terms of the Article 64, paragraph 1 and 2 of the regulation
(European Data Protection Board)
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities, Commission and Board
(European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Information obligation of the Chair of the Board
(Chair of the Board)
Reasons for adopting the biding decisions by the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Period for adopting the decisions in terms of the Article 65, paragraph 1of the regulation
(European Data Protection Board)
Activity of the Board when the periods, settled in the Article 65, has been missed
(European Data Protection Board)
Notification responsibility of the Chair of the Board
(Chair of the Board)
Independence of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Individual provision in context of the Board independence
(European Data Protection Board)
Publication of the consultations results, opinions, best practices, made by the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Consultations of the Board with the respective parties
(European Data Protection Board)
An annual report regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to processing in the Union
(European Data Protection Board)
Procedure in taking the decisions by the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Operational arrangements of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Election of the Chair of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Tasks of the Chair of the Board
(Chair of the Board)
Allocation of the tasks to the Chair of the Board and Deputy Chair of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Tasks of the Secretariat of the Board
(Secretary of the European Data Protection Supervisor)
Cooperation between the Board and European Data Protection Supervisor
(European Data Protection Board, European Data Protection Supervisor)
Cooperation between the Board and European Data Protection Supervisor
(European Data Protection Board, European Data Protection Supervisor)
Scope of the cooperation between the Board and Secretary
(Secretary of the European Data Protection Supervisor)
Notification of delegated act adoption
(European Commission)
Report on the evaluation and review of this Regulation to the European Parliament and to the Council
(European Commission)
Obligations of the Commission in the context of the evaluation and reviewing of this regulation
(European Commission)
Proceeding of the Commission during the evaluation and reviewing process
(European Commission)
Submission of the appropriate proposals to amend this Regulation
(European Commission)
Review of other Union legal acts on data protection
(European Commission)

Indirect obligations

Regulation name
Specification of the forms and means of cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Participation of the Commission in the Board sessions
(Chair of the Board, European Commission)
Participation of the Commission in the Board sessions
(Chair of the Board, European Commission)
(European Data Protection Supervisor)
Subjects entitled to revoke the delegation of power referred to in Article 12(8) and Article 43(8)
(European Commission)
Entering into the force of the delegated act
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
Entering into the force of the delegated act
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)


Regulation name
The right of the Commission to act in terms of the Article 92 of the regulation
(European Commission)
Setting the standard contract clauses settled by the Commission
(European Commission)
Designation of the general validity of the approved code of conduct
(European Commission)
Certification requirements settled by the Commission
(European Commission)
Technical norms for the certifications mechanisms, seals and marks
(European Commission)
Assessing the adequacy of the level of protection
(European Commission)
Decision of the adequate level of protection of personal data
(European Commission)
Monitoring activity of the Commission
(European Commission)
Exchange of information between controllers, processors and supervisory authorities for binding corporate rules
(European Commission)
Transfer limitation of the specific category of the personal data transfer
(European Union, Member states)
Specification of the forms and means of cooperation between the supervisory authorities
(European Commission)
Examination of the case by the Board
(Chair of the Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Examination of the case by the Board
(Chair of the Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Adoption of the provisional measures by the respective supervisory authority
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Adoption of the provisional measures by the respective supervisory authority
(European Data Protection Board, European Commission, Supervisory authority)
Right of the Commission to adopt the implementing acts of the general scope
(European Commission)
Participation of the Commission in the Board sessions
(European Commission)
Scope of the competency of the European Data Protection Supervisor
(European Data Protection Supervisor)
Scope of the Board activities and responsibilities
(European Data Protection Board)
Designation of the period by the Commission
(European Commission)
Right of the Commission to adopt the delegated acts
(European Commission)
Period for the delegate acts adoption
(European Commission)
Subjects entitled to revoke the delegation of power referred to in Article 12(8) and Article 43(8)
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
Subjects entitled to revoke the delegation of power referred to in Article 12(8) and Article 43(8)
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
Right of the Commission request information from Member States and supervisory authorities
(European Commission)

Indirect rights

Regulation name
Submitting the code or draft of the code to the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Submitting the code or draft of the code to the Board
(European Commission)
Submitting the draft criteria for an accreditation of a body
(European Data Protection Board)
Activity of the supervisory authority
(European Commission)
Notification obligation of the member state in terms of the Chapter VI of the regulation
(European Commission)
An opinion of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Cooperation between the supervisory authorities, Commission and Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Information obligation of the Chair of the Board
(European Commission, Member of the Board)
Information obligation of the Chair of the Board
(European Commission, Member of the Board)
Activity of the supervisory activity after receiving the opinion of the Board
(Chair of the Board)
Notification responsibility of the Chair of the Board
(European Commission, Public, Supervisory authority)
Activity of the Chair of the Board after acceptance of the final decision
(European Data Protection Board)
Publication of the consultations results, opinions, best practices, made by the Board
(European Commission, Committee referred to in Article 93, Public)
Publication of the consultations results, opinions, best practices, made by the Board
(European Commission, Committee referred to in Article 93, Public)
An annual report regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to processing in the Union
(European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
An annual report regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to processing in the Union
(European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
An annual report regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to processing in the Union
(European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
Scope of the cooperation between the Board and Secretary
(European Data Protection Board)
Confidential discussions of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Notification obligation of the member state in terms of the Article 84, paragraph 1 of the regulation
(European Commission)
Notification obligation of the member state in terms of the Article 85, paragraph 2 of the regulation
(European Commission)
Notification obligation in terms of the Article 88, paragraph 1 of the regulation
(European Commission)
Exemption in personal data processing for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes
(European Union, Member states)
Exemption in personal data processing for archiving purposes in the public interest
(European Union, Member states)
Notification obligation in context of the Article 90, paragraph 1 of the regulations
(European Commission)
Report on the evaluation and review of this Regulation to the European Parliament and to the Council
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)
Report on the evaluation and review of this Regulation to the European Parliament and to the Council
(Council of the European Union, European Parliament)


Regulation name
Processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
(Institutions and bodies and agencies of the EU)
General conditions for personal data transfer
(European Commission)
Validity of the decisions, published under the Article 25, paragraph 6 of the Directive 95/46/ES
(European Commission)
Exemptions in adopting the urgent opinion or urgent biding decision
(European Data Protection Board, Supervisory authority)
Establishment of the European Data Protection Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Chair of the Board
(Chair of the Board)
Structure of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Scope of the annual report of the Board
(European Data Protection Board)
Term of office of the Board
(Chair of the Board, Deputy Chair of the Board)
Term of office of the Board
(Chair of the Board, Deputy Chair of the Board)
Personnel of the European Data Protection Supervisor
(Personnel of the European Data Protection Supervisor)
Responsibility of the Secretariat
(Secretary of the European Data Protection Supervisor)
Cooperation between the Commission and Committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011
(European Commission, Committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011)
Cooperation between the Commission and Committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011
(European Commission, Committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011)